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Abra 「Mr. Trask, can you hear me? Is it just Cal you won't answer? Can you answer? I think you can understand me, though. I think behind your eyes you're just as alert as ever. You understand everything I say only you can't show it. Excuse me, Mr. Trask, for daring to speak to you this way... but it's awful not to be loved. It's the worst thing in the world. Don't ask me how I know that. I just know it. It makes you mean and violent and cruel. And that's the way Cal has always felt, all his life. I know you didn't mean it to be that way, but it's true.
You never gave him your love. You never asked him for his. You never asked him for one thing. Cal is going away, Mr. Trask. But before he goes... He did something very bad, and I'm not asking you to forgive him. You have to give him some sign that you love him... or else he'll never be a man. He'll just keep on feeling guilty and alone, unless you release him. Please, help him.
I love Cal, Mr. Trask, and I want him to be whole and strong... and you're the only one who can do it. So try, please try. If you could ask him for something. Let him help you so that he knows that you love him. Let him do for you. Excuse me, Mr. Trask, for daring to speak to you this way, but I just had to」
Nurse 「You've tired my patient... and I most certainly shall report it to the doctor in the morning」
Abra 「You don't know that he accuses you. You don't know what he's thinking about. Stop it, Cal. You gonna cry for the rest of your life? No. Then stop it. Go in there and talk to him before it's too late」
Cal 「I can't」
Abra 「Please try. Get it straight. Get through to him, somehow. Please try, Cal, before it's too late」
Nurse 「Is there any coffee around here? I'll get you some in a minute」
Nurse 「Is there anything to read around here?」
Abra 「What would you like?」
Nurse 「Something to get my mind off my feet. There's something in there」
Cal 「I tried to believe it was born in me...and that I couldn't help it, but that's not so. A man has a choice. You used to say that was where he was different from an animal. You see, I remember. A man has a choice, and the choice is what makes him a man. You see, I do remember」
Nurse 「Look, I can't find any coffee」
Cal 「Get out!」
Abra 「Look」
Adam(Cal’s father) 「Do something... for me」
Cal 「Yes」
Adam 「That woman...the nurse, can't stand her.Get me another」
Cal 「I can't stand her, either」
Abra 「What did he say?」
Cal 「He said, "Don't get anybody else." He said, "You stay with me... "and you take care of me."」
石川県プレミアムツアー 第二日 山中温泉こおろぎ橋畔 料亭明月楼
(2020年2月26日水曜日投稿「石川県プレミアムツアー 第二日 山中温泉かよう亭 ④日本一の朝御飯」
https://kabu-taiwan-kikou.blogspot.com/2020/02/blog-post_26.html より続く)
4 年前
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